Self Massage to Relieve Back and Neck

So many more of us are sitting at a desk multiple hours a day. I wanted to give a quick tutorial to relieve some neck and back tension caused by sitting many hours in one position. I will try to describe some steps verbally and following will be a video for you to see and learn. Let’s start with some stretches.

For the first stretch you will take your right hand and reach over your head to your left ear and gently pull your head to the right side. Your left hand is on your left shoulder to keep from rising up. Breathe into the stretch and hold for several seconds. Repeat on the left side.

Side head stretch

For the second stretch, it starts like the first only you turn your head to look under your right armpit. You will feel the stretch in a different set of muscles. Again keep your opposite hand on the opposite shoulder so it does not rise up( I am taking the photo so cannot do that!). Breathe into the stretch.

Diagonal neck stretch

The next stretch is shoulder rolls. Finger tips on each shoulder and use your elbows as guides to make circles a few forward and a few back.

Shoulder Rolls

For the last stretch clasp your 2 hands together and place behind your head. Gently with the weight of your head and hand, lower your head forward. You will feel a good stretch all the way from the back of your neck into your upper back. Hold for several counts and breathe. Make sure you are not raising your shoulders!

Next you are going to do some massage on your neck. Use your finger tips to massage the sides and back muscles of your neck. Use light to deep pressure depending what feels good. You can release a lot of tension in this way. Remember to keep breathing. Continue until the pain or tension releases. Lastly, sit on the edge of your chair legs slightly apart. Bending your head forward, continue to roll all the way down until your head is at your lap, trying to engage each vertebra. While you are down there you can rock side to side feeling where your lower back is tight and spending some time stretching that place. When you are ready to come back up, do it slowly one vertebra at a time and be mindful to keep your shoulders relaxed. This can be done through out the day when you need a little refresher. You are also getting blood to your head, an inversion, which is great.

Roll down at your desk Back stretch

I hope that these little stretches will give you some much need stress relief through out your day. If you are in NYC check out my facebook page(see the link on the right) for more information about my massage therapy business CTM Caring Touch Massage. I would love to see you for a full body deep tissue massage. Like and comment, would love to hear your thoughts!! XX

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